Ahhh summer...2 1/2 blissful months of not running around constantly for hours to school, practice, dance, etc. But then you realize-What am I going to do with these kids for 2 1/2 months without spending a ton of money??
My children are 5 and 3 years old respectively. They are CONSTANTLY coming up to me asking "Mommy, when are we going to go do something fun?" "Mommy, can we go do this?" They need to be kept busy, or they make me crazy. I sat down today and compiled a list of things that are no-cost or low-cost in our area that we can do to keep busy this summer.
*Make use of your local library-After all, you pay to fund it. You can check out an unlimited number of books, movies, Cd's and more for up to two weeks at a time (just don't be like me and forget to take them back!). Also, check out their activity schedule. Our local library, for example, shows movies, does crafts, offers activities, reading contests, and more that are all free and on a regular basis. They also offer adult gatherings at no charge. Plus, you get the positive point of getting your children interested in reading early!
*Check out your local parks and rec department-In my town they have "movies under the stars" (free outdoor movies), free music every week during the summer, free city-wide play days, summerfest, low-cost recreational sports, and more. You can most likely google your town's parks and rec website to find more information.
*Wading pools and splash parks-Check out the local wading pools or splash parks in your area. Most are free, or free for a certain portion of the day. Our splash park is free from 10am-12pm every day. I know some people are a little iffy about wading pools, and that's understandable and a personal preference, but just throwing that out.
*Check out your local parks and nature areas-Lots of fun to be had hiking through the woods, picnicking in the parks. One of our local parks (Jester Park) offers free backpack rentals that are themed. Each backpack contains lots of activities relating to a certain theme (water, flowers, animals, etc). You can check those out for two weeks at a time.
*Check your local theaters, bowling alleys, zoos, science centers, and more-A lot of the time they offer extremely cheap summer admission packages. For example, a local bowling alley offers unlimited bowling for up to 4 people for $27.98, the movie theater offers kids movies on Tuesday mornings for $1.00 admission, you get the picture.
*Instead of going out to dinner, why not try a community dinner or "potluck"-Instead of going out and spending $50-60 for a family of four, get together with your friends and their kids. Have each person bring one type of dish, and supply your own plates and cutlery. Feed the kids right away, then let them run off and entertain each other while you enjoy some much needed adult conversation and for once, be able to taste your dinner instead of having to eat on the run.
*Take the kids into town-Our downtown area is really starting to shape up! My cousin once told me of something she did with her kids that I would have never thought of. In the downtown area, we have a little trolley that runs a loop around downtown for free. You can park at the capitol and run the loop. On the loop there are all kinds of fun shops, the Capitol building, the Historical Building, a huge sculpture park and more. You can get off every couple of blocks and find something new to check out, and most of it is free or low-cost. Pack a picnic and have a leisurely lunch in the sculpture park.
These are just a few ideas, but if you can be just a little creative, and really check out your resources, you can find unlimited amounts of free or low-cost things to keep them entertained until school starts again this fall.
Hint for the day: No hints really today, just check as many resources as possible in your local area to find all kinds of fun and free/low-cost things to do.
Check this out!: http://tinyurl.com/3ep6o24 For ways to find fun ideas for your kids.